Unprecedented edible perfumes, disruptive emotions

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Madrid Fusion amazes with the latest creation of Tenerife’s cuisine:
edible perfumes with the flavour of the island.

Our chef Diego Schattenhofer, was accompanied by María Fresno, a member of the Canary Islands Institute of Agricultural Research (ICIA), and Alfonso Alvarez, CEO of the prestigious perfumery company Scentmate that is a partner in this innovative project of Schattenhofer.

The technology used is called Emotions, proven to arouse emotions andis based on two fragrances that smell of the pine forests and the midlands of the island, which Schattenhofer applied in two formats: the pir, through a spray on the hand to receive the customer, getting the feelings of happiness and tranquility needed to start the menu; and the midlands and the world of the goatherd, on a shoulder of candied kid goat “baifo” giving, thanks to the aroma, emotions of wellbeing and enthusiasm.

Finally, we would like to express a special thanks to Turismo de Tenerife for trusting us, the production Flywus Studios for being able to transmit and reflect our great project and to all our extraordinary team of Taste 1973!

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